DIY Disasters - Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

pouring liquid down drain

At Home Plumbing Mishaps

We’ve all gotten ahead of ourselves at times when it comes to DIY projects around the home. While it’s a great way to learn a new skill or test your artistic abilities, DIY-ing can often create even more of a mess than what you started with. And when the project has to do with something high stakes, like your HVAC or plumbing systems, you’re putting a lot more than your home decor at risk.

Plumbers go through plenty of training and certifications in order to service your home properly, which is why you might want to leave most of the repairs to them. However, if you do decide you want to try your hand at fixing your plumbing issue, please avoid the following mistakes.

Flooding the House

One common mistake when doing a plumbing job without a professional starts at the very beginning. Turning off your water source before beginning most plumbing projects is essential for keeping you from getting a faceful of spray and a flooded bathroom.

Before putting your tools to use, find the correct valve and turn it off. Then turn on the faucet or flush the toilet in question in order to remove the remaining water from the pipes.

Where’d This Part Go Again?

Many plumbing appliances have multiple pieces that can become disorganized or out of order when scattered around the kitchen or bathroom floor. This can cause incorrect reinstallation and your plumbing to stop working properly.

If you’re installing a new piece of plumbing, be sure to use the provided instructions to keep from any mishaps. If you’re taking apart your sink to fix a leak, take photos and notes of which piece goes where.

Just Pour a Little More

Clogs are one of the most irritating plumbing problems to have and many homeowners jump to solving them on their own. They’ll head to the store or look under the sink for the first bottle of drain cleaner they can find and pour away.

Unfortunately, these drain cleaners only work for very minor clogs and are filled with harsh chemicals. If you’re constantly relying on these solutions, you could eventually start to corrode your pipes or cause more of a build-up.

Skip the store-bought drain cleaners and rely on the expertise and tools of a plumber instead.

Not Too Tight!

While you want your plumbing connections to be watertight to avoid leaks, a connection that is too tight can be just as much of a problem. The washers and rubber seals within pipes are already great at making a watertight seal, and overtightening could break or damage these pieces. This way, you’ll end up with a worthless connection, no matter how tight it is.


There are a variety of pipe materials used in homes, which can make repairs and replacements a bit of a headache. The materials may look similar, but determining which is crucial for the efficiency and longevity of your plumbing. Connecting two different kinds of pipes together poses a risk of leaks.

Take the time to find out what material your pipes are made out of, or call a professional to do so.

Tape Fail

Plumbers tape, Teflon tape, PTFE tape. Whatever you call it, it’s a great way to aid in creating a good seal between pipes. However, there have been so many instances where DIY-ers apply the tape incorrectly. Be sure to read the instructions carefully so as to not wrap the tape backward around the threads.

Skip the DIY, Call a Plumber!

Your best bet when you have a plumbing problem is to call a professional team like Morris Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. From leaks to installations, our plumbers are here to help get your home’s plumbing flowing freely again. Contact us to schedule your appointment today!