5 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with HVAC Systems

green footprints

At Morris Heating & Air Conditioning, we know that over the past few years we have heard quite a lot about our country’s dependency on fossil fuels and the impact of our carbon footprint on the world’s environment. The term “carbon footprint” refers to the amount of greenhouse gases that are produced in order to support various human activities such as driving a car, and providing energy for our homes. The size of our “footprint” is often expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). When we take part in activities that emit greater amounts of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds, the larger our carbon footprint becomes.

Many people think immediately about the emission from cars or smoke from an industrial smokestack when they consider the concept of a carbon footprint. It is true that, as humans, we impact our carbon footprint in many ways from driving our cars, lighting our homes, watering our lawn, taking showers, running our appliances, and using our electronic devices. But did you know that the heating and air conditioning that you consume in your own home has a significant impact on YOUR carbon footprint?

Since heating and even cooling your home is responsible for nearly half of your energy bill and a big chunk of your carbon footprint, you can take small steps to reduce your “footprint” and your bills. It is a win-win situation. Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Change your air filters regularly. Clogged filters restrict airflow, which forces your HVAC system to work harder to meet the indoor load requirements.
  2. Check your thermostats (programmable and WiFi) to confirm that they are not over heating or cooling when you are not home. In addition, try adjusting your thermostat just 2 degrees from what makes you comfortable. Two degrees down in winter; two degrees up in summer. You’ll hardly notice the difference…but you’ll reduce your carbon footprint by 2000 lbs. per year!
  3. Check that your home is properly sealed so that warm or cool air stays indoors.
  4. Buy ENERGY STAR Appliances. Household appliances that bare the Department of Energy’s Energy Star logo have been tested and certified to meet the government’s minimum energy-efficiency standards.
  5. Consider changing over to a ductless HVAC system. The smaller size of this type of cooling system, along with its zoning capabilities, allows for improved energy efficiency. Ductless HVAC systems also follow Energy Star guidelines meaning they are more energy efficient than those that only meet minimum standards established by the U.S. federal government. Improved efficiency results in more money in your pocket and less total carbon output. If you need more information on ductless systems, reach out today!

At Morris Heating and Air Conditioning, we aim to not only find you the right heating and cooling systems for your home but also strive to be aware of the energy efficiency and impact the system may have on our precious environment.

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